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Project Summary
Mr Moo Childrenswear
- Client | Mr Moo Childrenswear
- Delivery | Concept, Wall-to-Wall Branding, Online Marketing, Collateral
Following my success with Small Fry I was asked to create a brand called Mr Moo which they would also sell in store.
Mr Moo is brand aimed at boys aged 5-10 years and unlike Small Fry the clothing is more 'Retro Chic' as opposed to more tradiotonal fashions.
I wanted to again create an iconic logo which could be used on its own and also with supporting text.
I created an angelic cows head outline with shiny halo. I chose the most vibrant of neon yellows on a matte black base to bring it to life. The words 'Mr Moo' I designed to look as tho the words are actually saying ‘moooo!’ I carried this branding on to the bags dropping the word ‘Mr’ and reataining the word ‘Moo!’. People would then make the brand association to Mr Moo when the branding is seen out and about.
They said what?
"Coolest - Kidd ( as in Kidd )- in-town"
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